The inductor has a series resistence of 1Ohm. The generator produce a pulse, and now we look at the simulation on the falling edge of that pulse, we analyze the voltage on L1.

There is a demostrable equation giving us the frequency at which this exchange happens, showing that frequency influenced just by capacitor and inductor. Parasitic resistance does not change the frequency but the signal damping. This formula is:
Well let's try to play with the circuit simulator, what would happen if the inductor has a series resistance with a negative value? By picking a not so randomly value of -460Ohm:
As you can see, the oscillator is stable, and produce a continuos sinewawe signal. Unfortunately we can't buy a negative resistance, but there is active component that can emulate, per se or in a certain circuit, a negative resistance, and this is the basis to create this kind of oscillator.
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